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How to create a Content Test in Allegrow
How to create a Content Test in Allegrow

In this article we will cover how to create and set a content test away in Allegrow.

James Paul Pirie avatar
Written by James Paul Pirie
Updated over a month ago

Once you have all of your mailboxes connected and if you're on the relevant plan you'll want to go ahead and start utilising the Content Test Area of Allegrow.

Content Tests allow you to test two versions of Content and get a deliverability score for both of those emails. We have further guidance available in our blog here on the kinds of things that you can test in the Content Test area.

You can use our guide below or alternatively check this video out here.

Before you start, you'll want to make sure that you've created both your A & B versions of the content and have copied this into a Google Document like below:

Once you have both versions of the content ready you'll want to follow the steps below to get your Content Test ready to go live.

1) Navigate to your Allegrow dashboard and select 'Content Test' on the left-hand side navigation pane.

2) Once inside the Content Testing Area select 'Create New Test' in the top right-hand corner of the screen to open up the Content Test Editor.

3) You'll then want to name your Content Test and select the mailbox that you'd like the test to be sent from.

We would usually recommend the following format for names: Initial Email Test (Full Overhaul) - August 2023

4) After naming your Content Test and selecting the mailbox to send from you now need to copy and paste your content from your Google Doc into the Content Test.

You'll want it to look like the below:

Remember: If you're using any personalisation tags to utilise the ones on the right-hand side of the screen for an Allegrow Content Test. You'll also want to make sure that if you have any areas within your content that you would usually personalise, you use some standard placeholder text for the sake of the Content Test

P.S Don't forget that for Variation B you can also utilise our AI Content Drafting if you're coming up blank for your second variation.

5) Once you've inputted all of you content you're ready to set your test live. You can do this by using the 'Start Test' button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Alternatively, if you're not ready just yet to set the test live you can 'Save as Draft' and revisit later on.

6) Once you set your test away your screen should look something like this. After one day you will be able to see your first data point for the Content Test that will run for the next 30 days.

Want to understand some more about to how analyse the results of a content test? Feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

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